Welcome to Spelthorne and Runnymede Drama Festival

Watching festival productions inspired me to become a director. Since then having the independent opinion of an experienced adjudicator has been so helpful, providing me with feedback, ideas and really making me think about all aspects of my productions.
Huge congratulations to .. all the participating groups for their playwriting and technical skill, creativity and considerable effort in assembling a varied and enjoyable programme of plays (and one animation !).
Drama Festivals are such a great place to make new contacts and pick up ideas. In conversation at a recent Drama Festival I was offered contact details for a company that could offer loan of props for another play that I’m directing, not a contact that I would have found by any other means.
One act drama festivals provide a great opportunity to push the boundaries of theatre and try out different things that maybe you wouldn't otherwise be able to do.
The local drama festivals provided our youth drama group with performance platforms in some terrific venues that they wouldn't otherwise have had.
It’s always interesting to hear the adjudicator’s comments about your own play and listen to their suggestions of ways to improve it – you may not agree but it’s always worth considering what’s been said. I also find it useful listening to the adjudicator’s comments about other plays and see if they match my own thoughts.
I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed my return visit to Spelthorne.
Thank you for allowing us to participate in your wonderful festival. I think our team learned quite a bit from the experience.
We set up an independent theatre company specifically to perform at drama festivals so we could do the type of plays we really wanted to tackle.
I have learnt so much about the technical side of theatre from doing drama festivals.
There is a super atmosphere at the theatre and the teams are obviously very happy with the support they receive from your team and technicians as well as playing to good and responsive audiences.

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The Spelthorne and Runnymede Drama Festival 2023

We regret to announce that the Spelthorne and Runnymede Drama Festival will not be running this year. The year-on-year reduction in the number teams coming forward and the cost of putting on the festival makes it increasingly less viable, along with the need for more people to help organise and manage the event. We very much value and appreciate the help and support of the Riverside Arts Centre which is a wonderful venue for the festival. We are hopeful that we will return in the future.

If you are interested in becoming more involved by joining the Committee and/or becoming part of the wider festival support team please let us know by emailing us at enquiries@spelthornerunnymededramafestival.co.uk. We are keen to explore and discuss any suggestions about the direction the Festival may take and the way forward for future years.

The Spelthorne & Runnymede Drama Festival is one of the oldest one-act drama festivals in the country and has been going for over 60 years. Originally called the ‘Spelthorne Drama Festival’ we operated as an independent drama festival, but in more recent years we have become affiliated to the National Drama Festivals Association (NDFA) and our winning entries are eligible for selection to the British All Winners Festival. Additionally the winner of our new play category is eligible to be put forward to the NDFA one act playwriting competition.

Entrants have the opportunity to perform in the theatre at the Riverside Arts Centre, Sunbury on Thames which is a really lovely venue and has the benefit and support of our experienced festival team to support their technical needs. They also receive a professional adjudication from an independent GoDA adjudicator.

If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact us here: enquiries@spelthornerunnymededramafestival.co.uk.

Supporters and Past Entrants

Pyrford Little Theatre

Teddington Theatre Club

Barn Theatre
The Fringe
Contact the Webmaster to get your group logo added here.